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What's the plural of "prospectus"?

This week I've been working with our curator, Tony, on artist calls. Artist calls are posted on websites to let artists know about opportunities to show their work a few months in advance of the opening of the show.

Some galleries post artist calls on their websites, but you can also find them on websites like California Arts Council, EntryThingy, and Café (Call for Entry) which exist purely to log opportunities for artists. On the Blue Line's website, a call to artists is composed of a graphic along with an application and prospectus for each show.

This is a little bit irrelevant, but we use a website called Canva to design all of our graphics (artist call graphics, postcards, bookmarks, posters, etc.). I love Canva because they have tons of cute and customizable templates that always result in a quality design with minimal effort. If you aren't running a non profit art gallery, it's also super great for advertising club events and making social media posts too. (No this isn't sponsored, I just love Canva.)

As for the applications, we usually make them online through Jotform (a tool for making online forms) or Café. Those websites collect all the submitted forms for us and allow us to sort through them in an organized way.

The prospectus component is a general overview of a show or competition that an artist can apply to. It lays out all of the rules and regulations of the show - including size restrictions of the artwork, eligibility requirements, important dates, and information on sales. Tony writes these himself, but I'm responsible for editing them.

Tony's just written all of the prospectuses (prospecti??) for our 2020 shows, so you can expect to see those up on the website pretty soon!

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